2022 Online Course (self-paced)

2022 Danielson Group Skilled Observer Program (00c-2022)

This course is based on the 2022 Framework for Teaching.

Designed for school leaders, instructional coaches, teacher leaders, and teachers interested in becoming observers using the Framework for Teaching. Participants will complete our two foundational asynchronous courses: The Framework for Teaching: A Common Vision of Instructional Excellence and Talk About Teaching: Growth-Focused Observations and Feedback. Upon completion of these two courses, participants will have the opportunity to practice and demonstrate their expertise in the Framework for Teaching through the Danielson Group Calibration Assessment.

This course also includes a synchronous feedback/coaching session that provides deeper discussion on the more complex points of the Framework for Teaching.

Certificate for 25 hours.
  • Welcome to the 2022 Danielson Group Skilled observer program
  • Course Overview
  • The Framework for Teaching: A Common Vision of Instructional Excellence
  • Module 1: Introduction
  • Welcome!
  • Download Your Materials
  • Introduction: Charlotte Danielson & Jim Furman
  • Module 2: Origin & Structure of The Framework
  • Origins and Structure
  • Module 3: Assumptions & Common Themes
  • Assumptions and Common Themes - Part 1
  • Common Themes & Equity
  • Assumptions and Common Themes - Part 2
  • Module 4: Professionalism and the Dispositions of Principled Teaching (Domain 4)
  • Professional Responsibilities and the Dispositions of Principled Teaching
  • Discussion: Domain 4
  • Module 5: A Classroom Environment that Promotes Equity (Domain 2)
  • A Classroom Environment That Promotes Equity - Part 1
  • Discussion: Memories & Domain 2
  • A Classroom Environment That Promotes Equity - Part 2
  • Discussion: Leveraging 2b and 2c to Promote Equity in the Classroom
  • A Classroom Environment That Promotes Equity - Part 3
  • Discussion: Lesson Reflection
  • A Classroom Environment That Promotes Equity - Part 4
  • Module 6: Preparing for Instruction with High Quality Materials (Domain 1)
  • Preparing for Instruction with High Quality Materials - Part 1
  • Discussion: Lesson Plan Analysis
  • Preparing for Instruction with High Quality Materials - Part 2
  • Discussion: Planning & Preparation
  • Preparing for Instruction with High Quality Materials - Part 3
  • Module 7: Student Engagement (Domain 3)
  • Domain 3 Student Engagement
  • Module 8: Levels of Performance
  • Using the Rubrics to Promote Growth
  • Module 9: Closing
  • Where we do we go from here?
  • Closing Survey & Certificate of Completion
  • Course Evaluation
  • Up Next...
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed