Calibration Assessment

2013 Danielson Calibration Assessment (00e)

This course, based upon the 2013 Framework for Teaching, is designed to assess your proficiency in three important skills needed by observers of classroom practice to conduct observations that are focused on teacher growth. The three skills include: Collecting objective evidence; Aligning evidence of practice to the components of the Framework for Teaching; and Assessing practice using the Framework for Teaching Rubrics. Additionally, this course adjusts to the skill level of the participant and provides supplemental training, if needed, on each of these skills. A certificate for 4 hours will be awarded upon the successful completion of the course.
  • Getting Started
  • Welcome & Objectives
  • Download Your Materials
  • Instructions & Completion
  • Calibration Instructions Knowledge Check
  • Assessment Part 1
  • Part 1 Assessment - Evidence or Opinion
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed